This website has been developed by Blaenau Gwent Youth Service and Communities 4 Work+ who both play an active part in supporting young people.
Please see below for more information on both.
Blaenau Gwent Youth Service:
Blaenau Gwent Youth Service provides information, support and guidance to young people ages 11-25.
There are various projects and opportunities available within communities and schools across Blaenau Gwent for young people to access and we have a large team of youth workers and volunteers here to help.
For up-to-date information and to see what is available, please visit our BG Youth Service Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or feel free to contact us directly at
You can also find out more information on our corporate page – Youth Service Overview | Blaenau Gwent CBC (
Communities 4 Work+
Communities for Work Plus is a Welsh Government funded employment programme. Communities for Work Plus is a Blaenau Gwent community-based employment advisory service working to increase the employability of individuals who are 16 and over and not in employment, education or training .
Through one-to-one support Communities for Work Plus can provide help to access training, learn new skills or just help you secure sustainable employment.
Communities for Work mentors are able meet you in your local area within Blaenau Gwent and support you in your journey to find the job you want.